Sunday, June16, 2019

Fathers Day

Happy Father’s Day! We are privileged to welcome Bishop David to our Service this week. Our renovations are complete, and Bishop David will be dedicating these renovations to the Glory of God, and to His purpose in the community. Will you join us? Hope to see you there! Service starts at 10:30 am.



Easter Sunday

Good Friday 2019

This photo was taken on Good Friday morning at Christ the King.  The scene will be different on  Easter Sunday.  Will you see it in person?

Services for the Parish for Easter Sunday are:

8 : 00 am        Holy Communion – Christ the King

8:45 am – 10 am Easter Brunch at Christ the King

10 : 30 am      Holy Communion – Christ the King

10 : 30 am      Holy Communion – St. Thomas


The beginning of a new season


No, Spring is not here yet (wishful thinking) but it IS just around the corner.

This is the beginning of a more important season – Lent.

What is Lent?  It is the period of time where Christians make an extra-special effort to focus on things of a Spiritual nature.  It is the forty days (not counting Sundays) leading up to Good Friday, when Jesus took our sins to the cross.

Many of us grew up with (or are in the habit of) ‘giving up’ something for Lent – coffee, chocolate, desserts etc, etc. etc…  While there is certainly nothing wrong with this practice, we might want to pair it with a ‘taking up’ activity.  TAKE UP greeting a stranger – in the mall, on the street, wherever we may be. Meet their eye and say a warm “hello”.  Say ‘Thank-you’ when appropriate (don’t forget to say this to the cashier who serves you); greet people you meet with “What a wonderful day” (or some positive comment); “pay it forward” – pay for the coffee for the person in the lineup behind you, {are you getting some ideas?}  Step outside your comfort zone and be a bright spot in someone’s life each day.

THEN – at the end of the day, take a few minutes to think back – See how many times God used you to bless someone else, and how you have been blessed.  And then, spend some time with God, thanking Him for allowing you to use the things He has LENT you, to bless others.

Your  Lenten season will prepare you for the joy that will come as we celebrate the Risen Lord.